Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Amnesty for World War II Veterans

If anyone still believes President Obama is trying to bring us all together, you’ve probably been in a coma for the last five years. Hopefully you’re ok now and, if you are, welcome back!

One of the most disconcerting things to happen since this ludicrous government shutdown was the exclusion of World War II veterans from the Capitol mall and the use of the mall for an  Immigration Amnesty demonstration. No matter what your politics, you had to be disheartened watching this story unfold. Any red-blooded American who fails to see the  gross disparity in this  needs a refresher course in world history and not the revisionist view now being fed to students in American classrooms.

I grew up in an atmosphere of pride in my father and uncles, and the fathers and uncles of my friends, most of whom served in the last great war. Some  marched  triumphantly through the streets of Paris  after the German war machine was destroyed. Others celebrated on VJ Day.

They were real heroes. They never  liked to talk about their war service. They didn’t want to re-live  all the atrocities they witnessed, bravely engaging the enemy to keep our country safe and free. In those days  that was considered merely doing your duty. Now that country, which will never see another generation like them, turns their back and excludes them from accessing a memorial in their honor.

Not only did the immigration demonstrators  fail to see how truly selfish they looked juxtaposed against the backdrop of these elderly former servicemen, they missed a rare opportunity to bolster their whole effort and possibly win over some of their opponents on amnesty. Just think for a moment if even a handful of demonstrators found their way to the veterans and joined with them in a show of solidarity; or pay them some type of homage in recognition for their service to this country. It would have been a public relations windfall for them  and a  great picture to behold. In America, though, we don’t see  great pictures anymore. We see hatred and division at every turn. You’re doing a hell of a job, Mr. President.

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