It’s been one year since our presidential election. And
overall things are going downhill faster than President Obama can promise his
core constituencies another handout, bailout or exemption. And with the benefit
of hindsight we can now see how duplicitous the Democrats were in making
promises they had no business keeping. Who doesn’t have “buyers’ remorse?”
Who now wouldn’t have preferred Gov. Romney? Whether you admit
it or not he would have been running the country with class and efficiency. Instead of the ineptitude that seems the hallmark of President Obama’s
team e.g.: Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the
IRS scandal, surveillance on friend and foe. As each day goes by we have another reason to
be disappointed. So do our allies. At
this point it’s getting embarrassing. Don’t get me wrong I don’t plan on
relocating to Estonia anytime soon. But I would like to see something other
than Jay Carney, the president’s press secretary, parse, obfuscate, and even at
times, evade answering direct questions. And when he does answer a question it’s
usually to tell us how well the economy is improving. Or why something is the
fault of the Tea Party.
We should cut Mr. Carney some slack, I mean the man has as
tough a job as Baghdad Bob had toting the party line for Saddam Hussein.
There never seems to be a problem in the Obama White House. It’s sort of like
Candy Land. But if someone in the press corps. should have the gall to ask about the myriad
of mishaps they are always assured that the latest miscue is being remedied at
that very moment and that the president knew nothing about it. But, now having
learned about it, he is in command and taking charge. The president seems to learn a lot about what’s going on
in his administration from TV. Maybe he should pare down his staff and
subscribe to CNN. The Republicans would be happy for the spending cut.
Yes, he likes taking charge. Like when he took control of
the Syrian chemical attack accusations made by Syrian rebels. Textbook
leadership. Delegate it to someone else. In this case, President Putin.
Now his legacy piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act
or Obamacare is proving problematic. The rollout was a fiasco. Even Obama
zealots would agree. Now they’re going to fix it. It appears there’s nothing
they can’t fix. Unfortunately they have many opportunities to use their
restorative powers.
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