Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Break in the Ranks


I’ve often thought  the Obama administration is a mirror image of the Nixon administration. Enemy lists, IRS audits for those who disagree with edicts from on high, the stifling of criticism. When the Watergate scandal became front page news and Nixon’s poll numbers dropped precipitously, the people cried out for his ouster. But it was his own party -- the Republicans -- who started the mechanism for his removal from office.

Throughout the last five years, there was nary a word  from the Democrats  spoken out of turn about President’s Obama’s less than stellar performance and none at all from the adoring media. But like rats jumping off a sinking ship self preservation trumps adoration.

Former President Clinton came out recently and in so many words called President Obama a liar. And advised him that he should honor his commitment to the American people about keeping their health insurance if they liked the plan in which they were enrolled.

Now that Mr. Clinton has broken ranks other Democrats have followed suit, most notably Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Landrieu . Now I know President Clinton and Sen. Landrieu are not disagreeing with the president for altruistic reasons. Landrieu is up for re-election in 2014 and stands little hope of holding her office if the Affordable Care Act is implemented  with its own inherent, pre-existing conditions.

Likewise, Mr. Clinton is positioning himself for his wife’s presidential run in 2016 and knows that sticking by the president is like dousing her with gasoline and advising her to walk over some hot coals. Mrs. Clinton has remained silent letting Bill do the dirty work (although both are practiced at the art of deception) while she ostensibly stays above the fray. After all she has enough of her own baggage to carry, i.e.: Benghazi and the entire debacle of the Arab spring.

 Now maybe the intransigent administration may have little choice but to heed the will of the people who were wary from the beginning of replacing the best healthcare system in the world with what is proving to be the worst.

Believe it or not there are  still a few stalwarts in the Democrat party who are totally oblivious to the current political winds. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz  actually  said that many Democrats will want to run on Obamacare in 2014. And, of course, Harry “Three Tongue” Reid is confident  the problems with the Affordable Health Care Act will be resolved.

I guess some rats wait until the last moment before the ship capsizes.

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