With “Bridgegate” looming over NJ Gov.Chris Christie’s head, donors
are abandoning him in large numbers; his favorable poll numbers are dropping
faster than the knickers of the Kardashian of the month. There have been calls
for him to step down as chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association. You
have to hand it to the Democrats when it comes to character assassination. If
they were in the restaurant business, a Three Star Michelin rating would be most
appropriate. They have managed to sully the reputations of George W. Bush,
Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and the collective reputation of Tea Party members while upholding the reputations of
inveterate liars like Bill and Hill, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi.
While Democrats squeal ad
nauseum about the need for
bi-partisanship, the president has used executive action to foist upon us, his
model of America, albeit one that functions sans the checks and balances our
founding fathers prescribed. Mr. President, your poll numbers are as low as
President Bush’s at his lowest ebb. Why would you think the nation has any more
confidence in you than we had with your predecessor when we are still mired in
malaise. Six years into your administration! Most of us don’t see the happy
face picture painted by your gallery of sycophants.
Now that Christie is on the ropes , the Democrats will turn
their attention to any other viable Republican presidential candidate for 2016.
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who will face a tough re-election challenge later
this year becomes a new target .
He has enjoyed a little
respite since he withstood a recall vote in 2012. This was instigated for the most part for his
steadfastness limiting the leverage of the municipal unions . He reined in
excessive spending so much so that in his recent state of the state address, he announced a budget surplus
in excess of $900 million.
Gov. Walker has come up with a novel idea – return some of
it back to the taxpayers! In this day and age of bloated government bureaucracy
how refreshing for someone to actually provide some help for the middle class
instead of talking the intention to
death without doing a thing.
Had this been a Democratic governor, the surplus would
already be earmarked for administration to a bunch of political cronies for
another non-productive program; or be
used to prop up an existing one.
Gov. Walker has done a great service for the taxpayers of
his state. But he will certainly draw the wrath of the DNC which needs new
fodder for its wood chipping, character assassination machine.
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