Friday, January 10, 2014

Bridge On The River Hudson

In the wake of revelations that a Gov. Christie staff member  had a hand in the George Washington Bridge lane closures, how refreshing was it that the governor  did not waste any time firing those responsible  for the concomitant inconveniencing  of all those residents in that area who use that bridge in their daily commutes. Then, went to the affected area to offer a heart felt apology  in person.

And who doesn’t feel as bit of sympathy for the governor who didn’t have a Susan Rice on his staff to muddy the waters long enough  to provide cover for the culpable with tales of offending videos or other such nonsense.

Christie stood in front  of the media (much too long, in my opinion) to answer questions, questions unlike the softballs tossed at President Obama who has skated by on such questions regarding the Benghazi attack, the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious and the Obamacare fiasco. His stock response is always he didn’t know anything about it.

Christie, too, claimed to have been “blindsided” but  promised to get to the bottom of the problem and he won’t move with the glacial speed of the Obama administration.

This imbroglio over the “Bridgegate” could in the long run be a blessing for the governor. First, he has already shown what a leader does in a crisis – he acts. He has terminated the employment of those who have been implicated in the case and has promised to provide additional information when it becomes available. And other terminations, if necessary. Second, he has provided  a stark contrast between himself and a sitting president who doesn’t seem to know how to lead. And most importantly, Gov. Christie sees how carnivorous the media can be when it sees blood in the water. A lesson  he needed to learn for a possible presidential run.

The media is already  lining up and burning incense for Madame Hillary for 2016. Her term as  secretary of state could only be characterized as disastrous. She actually said that democratic reforms in Syria and Egypt were taking hold before the Arab spring, then, of course, did a 180 in the opposite direction when all hell broke loose. But as she likes to say what does it matter anyway at this point?

The Democrats are playing their usual game demonizing the opposition, even a middle of the road Republican  like Gov. Christie. But unlike others who have been skewered like Sarah Palin, Todd Cruz, and Speaker Boehner, Christie, in my opinion, will not only weather this storm but will come out stronger because of it.

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