Friday, December 27, 2013

Here's Hoping


As the final hours of 2013 wind down we should reflect on all our New Year’s resolutions from last year. Of course, it’s the rare bird that at year’s end is fluffing their feathers having made good on all their personal promises: to quit smoking, lose weight, learn a new language or instrument, or try to be more tolerant and show patience with the many little annoyances of daily life. 

We should take solace on the achieving of some and try with greater fortitude in the upcoming year to achieve the rest. Likewise as a  nation  in the family of nations, we should strive for the betterment of those here in the U.S. and those around the world. Here’s hoping that:

·         Politicians the world over stop spinning rhetoric and act in harmony with their citizenry for the benefit of all. Instead  of greedily grabbing with both hands everything that is not nailed down.

·         People of faith, atheists and others who  worship whatever they think important co-exist without the need of ridiculing or exterminating each other.

·         Every fringe group stop feigning offense at every little thing especially those things, that for millennia, have been accepted tradition. For a twist, how about they be a bit more tolerant.

·         We hear a whole lot less about young people in America being gunned down every day.

·         Bombs and  religion become mutually exclusive.

·         Our leaders in America realize the toll of our men and women  in foreign conflicts is a price we no longer want to pay.

·         World governments cooperate fully with each other to stop human trafficking and put an end to poverty and hunger.

·         World scientists make dramatic inroads in the fight against disease and in predicting natural disasters to stave  off vast destruction in lives and infrastructure.

·         Real world peace can be achieved. Sounds like a pipe dream but let’s hope. Solving the Israeli-Palestinian quandary  would be a great first step.

·         The  Chinese compel their leaders to avert military spending in favor of domestic projects; and the  government give up their expansionist dreams.

·         President Obama use the remainder of his time in office to fulfill his very first promise to bring our nation together and take the necessary steps to create jobs for all who want one.

·         Personal health and happiness.

·         We don’t have to list all these hopes again next year.



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