Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Polar Bear Club


I know there are  righteous African-Americans  who find the infamous Knockout game as repugnant as I do  but it seems they aren't  repulsed enough to come out in public to condemn it. Unlike the white civil rights workers who risked life and limb to fight against racial injustice in the South of the Sixties. Where’s the Attorney General offering guidelines for enforcement and prosecution on this matter. He’s probably still busy trying to figure out what happened with "Fast and Furious" and ways to railroad that exonerated sick, punk George Zimmerman.

And where’s the president. Now surely one of those  hooded perpetrators we have seen in the videos punching out elderly men, women and children could have been your son if you had a son. Just as you said, Mr. President, that Trayvon  could have been.

There is something underfoot and all Americans of non-color should take note. There is no government institution  that seems willing to support and safeguard you from crimes perpetrated against you and your family by the marauding gangs of predators who have, for the most part, been brought up as wards of the state.

For months these vicious attacks have been going on and it took until last Saturday for Rev. Sharpton to condemn them as “deplorable.” What is even more deplorable is the fact that the subject was not brought up earlier. Especially when it has been reported that some of the attacks have resulted in fatalities. And all have resulted in injury.

I suppose the righteous reverends reserve their  rage for people like Paula Deen who used the N-word  something like 35 years ago.

When one of the targets  of these assaults pulls out a weapon and kills the attacker the African-American community will predictably lock arms and demand justice for the innocent attacker. They’ll dust off his third grade picture, hide all recent photos  and hate laden tweets. And the media will tune up their violins.

Indeed the media isn’t sure these attacks are racially motivated. I  almost swallowed my tongue when I came across the paragraph below from a story by the Associated Press’ Colleen Long:

“While some of those attacked have been white, and some suspected attackers black, experts  said the incidents are more about preying on the seemingly helpless than race or religion.”

I think it’s time that  people  who can’t depend on pigmentation protection should find the means to protect themselves. Be alert and on the lookout for  these cowardly reprobates. Economically,  boycott those companies who always cave to the vitriol of the good reverends.  If they give in to them,  go  elsewhere to buy. Let the reverends and their constituencies provide the economic shortfall.

And prepare yourself to ignore the multitude of voices who will want to wheel out the platitudes of helping these young people with more aid, more free meals,  more before and after school programs. More this; more that. More. More. More. To that I say, enough; enough; enough.

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