Once again Rutgers University has diminished itself and shown it doesn’t belong in the upper echelon
of second tier universities. And I’m not talking only about their lackluster
football and basketball programs. I’m talking about the controversy regarding Condoleezza Rice as
the university’s choice to be this year’s commencement speaker.
The opposition’s major problem with Condoleezza Rice was her
involvement in the Iraqi War and the use of water boarding by the Bush
administration. While most of the Democrats did indeed object to water boarding
, they did vote strongly in support of the Iraqi War. Mind you not on principle
but because the overwhelming majority of Americans were behind President Bush’s
military operation. In addition, intelligent sources both domestic and foreign
claimed the Iraqi regime had weapons of mass destruction. In fact, they had already
used them on the Iranians and Kurds.
We know how that story ended. But to place blame on
Secretary Rice would be like blaming Secretary Clinton for the failure of the
Arab spring.
An accomplished, multi-talented woman, Secretary Rice
deserved better. But the voice of the minority (reportedly about 300 students
out of 10,000)has once again scored an unlikely
victory. How many times will the feeble-minded, 97-lb. weakling score victory after victory over a more accomplished adversary.
Egging on the dissident students were a few non-descript academicians who could not
even entertain the possibility of teaching in a prestigious university like
Stanford where Rice teaches and has served as provost.
Preening around these days
as a card-carrying member of the intelligentsia seems pretty simple. All
you have to do is take the ultra-liberal contrarian view on common sense issues.
It might even land you a spot on the Al Sharpton Show. Some of the Rev.
Sharpton’s best friends are African-American but I doubt Secretary Rice would
be in that number. Any accomplished, free thinkers in the African-American
community seem anathema to Sharpton and
his associates.
Rice took the high road. An elevation the undistinguished,
faculty members who condemned her
appearance will never reach. But what perturbs me is why take the high road?
Why be at the mercy of the minority. Why always acquiesce? Why compromise? Why
give the opponents of free speech and the
open exchange of ideas even the slimmest
of victories? If we don’t stand up for our beliefs as free Americans that right
may be taken from us.
So now former NJ Gov.
Kean will be the commencement speaker. It should be a safe choice. Perhaps the
president of the Left-Handed Plumbers Union had prior commitments.
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