When reports surfaced about the shabby treatment of hotel
workers at the Beijing Westin Hotel by members of Barack Obama’s family and their omnipresent hangers-on entourage I
wasn’t surprised.
Those of the left-leaning persuasion always seem to be above
the rhetoric they spew for the benefit of the rest of us. The $8350 a night suite the
first lady and her mother luxuriated in was paid by the Obamas we are told. The
concomitant security -- probably ten times the cost of the opulent digs -- was
borne by U.S. taxpayers. Of course this is a hallmark of the profligate Obamas.
They love a free ride.
They talk incessantly about everyone doing their fair share
and leveling the playing field. Then they
vacation, it seems ad infinitum, at the tonier places in the world. Where they
expect to be treated like royalty.
It was no surprise to hear that the staff at their hotel in China complained of being mistreated by the
czarina’s mother as was reported in the foreign press, which has become the
go-to source for any objective reporting
(dare I say Fox News) about the reign of
the Obamas. I have often thought the adage that a person’s character is
revealed by the way they treat people who cannot offer them anything in return is a true barometer of integrity. And
integrity is a gift a person gives to his/her self.
The Obamas mirror the same “white trash” veneer, with the
obvious difference, that marked the early Clinton era. While they are polar
opposites to the Bush,Reagan and Carter eras where class and probity were
palpable to the unbiased eye.
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