With the last days of his tenure as New York Police
Commissioner winding down, we have much to thank Ray Kelly for. And not only
those of us who live the New York/New Jersey metro area. He and his team have
thwarted countless terrorism plots that would have had widespread consequences for
the entire nation.
After the horrific
attack on 9/11, Ray Kelly began his second stint as New York City Police
Commissioner and created the first
anti-terrorism bureau of any municipal police force in the country, even going
as far as stationing his officers in foreign countries to mine leads and gather
data on possible nascent plots.
Some of us may have
taken our security for granted since we
have not been attacked in New York going
on 13 years. But New York remains the
number one target of all jihadists. Because of the commissioner’s vigilance our enemies have focused their efforts elsewhere
as evidenced by the Boston Marathon bombing earlier this year. It’s hard not to
point fingers at the Boston PD but I suspect things could have gone differently
had Commissioner Kelly been in charge there.
Ray Kelly has always been a public servant. He was a Vietnam combat veteran; he has
served 43 years in the NYPD; and in 1994,
Ray Kelly headed up the Multi National Force (MNF) to help restore order and democracy in Haiti.
Under Mayor Bloomberg and Commissioner Kelly, crime in New
York has consistently decreased while having to deal with a dwindling police force. But these successes have come
at a cost, in at least, public perception. The so-called “stop and frisk” policy
which targets minority men has been roundly criticized. And its overall
effectiveness has been questioned. In the recent NYC mayoral election several
of the candidates expressed their unhappiness with the policy and their intent,
if elected, to replace Commissioner Kelly. And Mr. Kelly’s comments during that
campaign that not one of the candidates had asked for a terrorist briefing didn’t win him any friends.
Mayor-Elect de Blasio has already appointed Bill Bratton to succeed Kelly.
There was some talk that Mr. Kelly might be a candidate for
the vacant position of Homeland Security Secretary. Despite the senior Senator
from New York Chuck Schumer’s glowing
endorsement of Kelly, President Obama selected Jeh Johnson for the
position. But it’s hard to believe anyone could be more effective than Kelly in
that role.
Ray Kelly leaves a great city in great shape and I’m sure
Commissioner Designate Bratton will continue to uphold his high standards.
Ray Kelly will now ride off into the sunset making lucrative
speeches for 5th Avenue Greater Talent Network. Our heartfelt
thanks, Commissioner.
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