Every so often, usually when the NFL season is under way, we
begin to hear how various Indian groups feel maligned about the nicknames of
some of our sports teams. Most notably the Washington Redskins. Perhaps that
terminology does seem insensitive but that glorious warrior logo on the Redskins’
helmets on one of the teams I despise (being a Giant fan, though I hate to
admit it this season) is an image that reinforces my respect for Native
Americans. Likewise, I feel the same way about the Braves, Chiefs and Blackhawks.
I do find the logo for the Cleveland Indians
offensive. It wouldn’t be a bad idea, as has been suggested to start phasing
out Chief Wahoo. His demise in Cleveland is already underway and that’s a good
thing. But for the other logos and
nicknames, I don’t see any explicit racism.
This issue is again in the spotlight most recently since
President Obama, the panderer-in-chief, weighed in on the subject of the Redskins,
suggesting if he were the owner of the team he wouldn’t want to offend anyone. Bob
Costas, once an ascendant sportscaster now relegated to finding controversial
issues to weigh in on to thicken his exposure, also voiced his disapproval. But
to his credit, Daniel Snyder, owner of the Redskins, has remained adamant in
his intransigence not to change his team’s name.
Tucker Carlson, Fox News gadfly, a self-proclaimed Swede,
transmogrified the situation when he said he was upset about the Minnesota Vikings. He didn’t want his ancestry
reduced to images of murdering and plundering
their way to Valhalla as the nickname “Vikings” might imply. Haven’t yet
heard any response yet from the Vikings on his suggestion.
The tyranny of minorities seems to be on the upswing.
Everyone is upset with something. How long do you think it will be before
Somali pirates take umbrage with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Pittsburgh
Pirates denigrating their proud tradition of kidnapping and murdering?
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