The homophobic epithets hurled at NJ senatorial candidate
Steve Lonegan are still coming in over his reaction to Newark Mayor Cory
Booker’s comment that he likes to get an occasional manicure and pedicure at
three in the morning. “A guilty pleasure,” as the mayor put it. All Lonegan did
was point out a revelation that was published in Du Jour magazine. Why the uproar? Someone must have sounded the alarm
for the Innuendo Police because they’re at it again.
My curiosity leads me to wonder who is open at three in the morning
to offer such services. According to Lonegan, his staff has looked into all
night nail salons in Newark; and I presume its environs, and, according to
Lonegan, none were found. So where is this Taj Mahal of Toenails, anyway?
Mayor Booker doesn’t owe Steve Lonegan anything in the way
of explanation but I’m sure there are others who, when that irresistible urge
for some cuticle consideration manifests itself in the middle of the night, would
like to be turned on to the location of the place.
Presumably, Mayor Booker keeps late night/early morning appointments to
avoid gawkers. I would never have considered him someone who shies away from
attention. In fact, many Newarkers think he’s letting his celebrity get to his
head, turning his back on the city he leads.
The persistent rumors that he is gay and his cagey dodging
of answering the question when it comes up is at the crux of this episode.
Certainly no one should be forced to answer such a question; or be precluded
from running for office because of their sexual preference but Booker is a
victim of his own petard. He has played both sides, even going as far as saying
he likes the ambiguity it generates.
Now that summer has wound down, the campaign will get into full swing; and we’ll soon see how much he really likes it in the next few
weeks leading up to the special senatorial election.
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