When I think dynasty I think Julio-Claudian, Ming, Tudor. I
think Old World. I think cobble stone streets filled with quaint little shops
peopled by humble clerks who say things
like, “Yes my lord; yes my lady,” most of the day. They’re usually too busy curtsying
and bowing to entertain any aspirations for a better life.
Ok, sometimes, too, I think of that highly successful television show of the 80’s which featured
the beautiful Joan Collins and the equally beautiful Linda Evans perpetually locked
up in a vixen death match, one step away from the mosh pit.
But Old World and beautiful
women aside, we can now look stateside to the relatively new American dynasties. Sure we didn’t seem too
worried about the Adamses, Roosevelts or Kennedys.
But with more and more frequency we are seeing the kind of dynasties
developing that our forefathers sought to escape when their forefathers left
Europe for the New World. Members of the Bush, Clinton or Cuomo families would
be happy to steward the ship of state for the next 25 years or so. We already
know that Hillary Clinton is running for president in 2016. Can a Jeb Bush
candidacy be far behind?
The whole of U.S politics has become inundated with the same
career politicians and now with their broods as well. We’ve seen sons succeeding
fathers, wives plotting to succeed husbands; sons and daughters of famous men
and women running for whatever office avails itself. In many cases, they inherit
the slick campaign machines and conscripted vassals of their elders.
No doubt the Clinton machine is already searching the state of New York for a
nice, safe congressional district from which Chelsea can launch her political
ambitions. But be patient. That proclamation will come after the 2016
presidential election.
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